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Hands-on Adjustments in our Yoga Classes

Updated: May 31, 2023

Have you experienced hands-on touch / adjustments in our yoga classes before?

We wanted to share some guidelines we follow on our teaching team.

Yoga Classes in West Auckland

At our studio, we take a trauma-informed approach to teaching; we aim to create an environment which allows our students to have complete agency over their own body.

As teachers, we want to share yoga to lift self-awareness so students explore alignment that feels best for them. A specific posture can look and feel different for each individual based on past injuries, energy levels, and own creative expression on that given day.

There are many hidden factors that teachers cannot see (especially in a large class or with new students!) and, for this reason, we generally do not do hands-on adjustments.

When we do, we will do our best to let you know within the online class description that hands-on adjustments are offered and what type of touch you may expect.

Yoga Classes in Auckland

Currently, we only have a couple teachers who offer hands-on adjustments / touch; this is offered as subtle guidance to explore spatial awareness and sensation or a grounding/calming touch, instead of any robust correction on alignment.

If you like hands-on feedback, I recommend booking in a private lesson or checking in with the teacher beforehand to let them know you’re open to this. With your explicit consent, I’m sure many of our teachers will be happy to check-in with you throughout class!

If you have any questions or concerns about hands-on touch at Kanuka Yoga Space we would love to hear from you. You can contact us via our social channels (Facebook / Instagram) or email

Thanks for practicing with us.


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